Saturday - Galena or Bust!
Ahhhh time on the open road!!! And the other Furies.... Well, real world intervened and that left Caryl and I to head out somewhere...
Friday Night I was up FAR too late with the Friday Night Lake Shore Drive Take Over along with dinner in China town - by the time all was said and done it was 3 a.m. and an Elgin meeting at 9:30 am!! Fortunately Caryl took some pity on me and we agreed to meet at 10... I BLASTED down i90 and god bless it I was on time... still not sure how that happened.... I think Caryl was shocked as well that I showed up... but let's not say "no worse for the wear... " cuz I was WORN OUT... 5 hour energy drink to the rescue!!!
Hot Hot Hot
Like any good 3 piece clubbers- we had to make some stops - ok that's what they do on Sons of Anarchy.... just sayin.... we stopped to get Caryl's bike fixed - a little bolt action... and YES's that's what they are calling it now! Very nice guys at a private garage - looks like they work on all kinds of bikes... I had just got my bike in the shade and the SoA told me something... blah blah ... going to the back... so being a good follower... I went to the back... and she was gone... but there was no where for her to have gone... it was like when you watch on TV and the perp takes a right turn and the cop is seconds behind and the perp is gone... POOF! Seems that they didnt want to lose their A/C so Caryl rolled into the back repair section and the door was shut before I ever got around the lousy 20 feet... Great Hide Out place... we need to keep this in mind...
Bike fixed we jetted off... but not before some older lady decided she just HAD to turn left in front of us... some how she blasted out of the Big Box Retailer across 3 or 4 lanes of traffic to turn in front of us - seconds before we got to her... had she waited a few seconds for my back tire to go by - she would have found the roadway - all 4 lanes... EMPTY!!! Instead... she found us FURYous! Karma is a beotch as she got caught at the light and we glided up into our lane and Caryl carefully schooled her - with me chiming in. I think she got it when Caryl suggested "LOOK AT ME, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME"
Metabolism tweaked it was time for something to eat - We opted for breakfast at Sue's little place - they told us as we were leaving that there was a/c on ...pretty hard to someone saying they saw MJ riding w/o a helmet or something... Exerting my newly found Presidential powers - we reversed the old club rules that the SoA gets their meals for free - and I got my breakfast paid for... Ahhhh it's GOOD to be the president! ok ok... I didnt have any cash on me and Caryl took pity... can't have me fainting in front of her... oh it wouldnt have been me she would have worried about ... it would be that poor blue harley going down! So we averted that and headed off to Galena.
The roads were wide open and we tore off in search Stage Coach Road... I had forgotten my helmet in the tour pak... so MJ's inaugural Helmet Free Day began... Caryl was in shocked mode - and reported that she kept looking in her side mirror wondering "who the heck is that behind me." Helmet free is... interesting. .. everything itches... everything is loud... you have to keep reapplying sun screen... you can't yawn w/o worrying if a bug will end up going down your throat... you know with every mile your hair is even more snarled... I get now the idea of dry eyes.... its VERY Loud... you can hear every nuance of your bike.
In the past I used to think our SoA was a biker savant... that is.. she ALWAYS knew when I missed a gear, dorked around on the throttle, coasted, rolled on, rode too fast etc... I used to think she had eyes in the back of her head... but ... NOW I know she could just HEAR everything I was doing... roll on... yup... there goes my bike... roll off... gee quieter... squeal your tires... MJ went into the turn too hot... grind em... MJ missed a gear.. oh yea... you can hear EVERYTHING! who knew! It was like a new day for me!
How fun it is to roll in to a biker town - two women on their own bikes... you get that snarl... like oh yea I ride my own... ok it's really more like a smile... and we saw a number of women on their own and they all have that grin. That... Oh Yea I ride my OWN... and I see you do too! Kindred Spirits of a sort.
I have never really walked around Galena... so we wandered around... shopped some... learned about a women's weekend Sept 10-12th which could be fun to do. We tried to contact the Secretary to write that down... but met with a titch of hostility... we will need to deal with that the next meeting!!! Some Bling was purchased, along with aroma therapy oils... lunch at the Furies Way Western Club House.. Durty Gurty's where we had some awesome sweet potato fries. Don't worry Caryl is NOT converting me to that crazy non-meat eating cult.
We did see this and liked it: Sisterhood: A Celebration of kinship and caring. Understanding and evolving with each other, but always with feeling and deep regard... there has to be some words in that we like!!!
All too soon we realized we were all so far away!!
Caryl, led the way out of Galena and on to the Stage Coach Trail... NOW this is a ROAD!!! First we did some sweeps upward out of Galena then we started some twisties down... then roller coaster sections big ups and downs, more twisties, and POOF - we were on the main road... CRAP... let's do that AGAIN! The SoA THEN pulled us over... uh oh... she made that point to the right soft shoulder and we pulled over... I ran through my mind... what could I have POSSIBLY done wrong... I mean sure I took a turn hot or two... and yea... I lagged about a half mile and then BLASTED to catch up... and sure...I was hugging the inside line, then the middle line and then tried to stay off the yellow line... maybe I cut a corner where no one was a bit sharp... Caryl dismounted and started towards me... I was BUSTED... I just gave her the biggest puppy dog look and said... I wasn't doing anything wrong! Caryl looked at me, squinted and said... Uh... I wanted to see if your GPS knew where we were... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ... sorry... just used to when the SoA pulls us over... someone's in trouble... I was so thankful I didnt have my helmet on...because I was soooo going to get a crack to the head on that one... RELIEVED... we headed off.
We gassed up and my helmet wasnt left at the restaurant.. . out of the tour pak it came ... so I had this moment .. seems my bike gets quieter after its been ridden all day! With this newly found bit of info - I pulled next to Caryl and said... Gee my bike is so much quieter after it gets going... Caryl turned... looked at me... and said ... MJ... you have your helmet on... your bike is still LOUD!.... Oh... huh... so much for that!
We hit it and took off towards home - I rolled in around 9ish... hot, tired and wondering just where I would be taking the Furies on Sunday!
Furies MC
No Pago Til 3
Saturday - Galena or Bust!
Ahhhh time on the open road!!! And the other Furies.... Well, real world intervened and that left Caryl and I to head out somewhere...
Friday Night I was up FAR too late with the Friday Night Lake Shore Drive Take Over along with dinner in China town - by the time all was said and done it was 3 a.m. and an Elgin meeting at 9:30 am!! Fortunately Caryl took some pity on me and we agreed to meet at 10... I BLASTED down i90 and god bless it I was on time... still not sure how that happened.... I think Caryl was shocked as well that I showed up... but let's not say "no worse for the wear... " cuz I was WORN OUT... 5 hour energy drink to the rescue!!!
Hot Hot Hot
Like any good 3 piece clubbers- we had to make some stops - ok that's what they do on Sons of Anarchy.... just sayin.... we stopped to get Caryl's bike fixed - a little bolt action... and YES's that's what they are calling it now! Very nice guys at a private garage - looks like they work on all kinds of bikes... I had just got my bike in the shade and the SoA told me something... blah blah ... going to the back... so being a good follower... I went to the back... and she was gone... but there was no where for her to have gone... it was like when you watch on TV and the perp takes a right turn and the cop is seconds behind and the perp is gone... POOF! Seems that they didnt want to lose their A/C so Caryl rolled into the back repair section and the door was shut before I ever got around the lousy 20 feet... Great Hide Out place... we need to keep this in mind...
Bike fixed we jetted off... but not before some older lady decided she just HAD to turn left in front of us... some how she blasted out of the Big Box Retailer across 3 or 4 lanes of traffic to turn in front of us - seconds before we got to her... had she waited a few seconds for my back tire to go by - she would have found the roadway - all 4 lanes... EMPTY!!! Instead... she found us FURYous! Karma is a beotch as she got caught at the light and we glided up into our lane and Caryl carefully schooled her - with me chiming in. I think she got it when Caryl suggested "LOOK AT ME, YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME"
Metabolism tweaked it was time for something to eat - We opted for breakfast at Sue's little place - they told us as we were leaving that there was a/c on ...pretty hard to someone saying they saw MJ riding w/o a helmet or something... Exerting my newly found Presidential powers - we reversed the old club rules that the SoA gets their meals for free - and I got my breakfast paid for... Ahhhh it's GOOD to be the president! ok ok... I didnt have any cash on me and Caryl took pity... can't have me fainting in front of her... oh it wouldnt have been me she would have worried about ... it would be that poor blue harley going down! So we averted that and headed off to Galena.
The roads were wide open and we tore off in search Stage Coach Road... I had forgotten my helmet in the tour pak... so MJ's inaugural Helmet Free Day began... Caryl was in shocked mode - and reported that she kept looking in her side mirror wondering "who the heck is that behind me." Helmet free is... interesting. .. everything itches... everything is loud... you have to keep reapplying sun screen... you can't yawn w/o worrying if a bug will end up going down your throat... you know with every mile your hair is even more snarled... I get now the idea of dry eyes.... its VERY Loud... you can hear every nuance of your bike.
In the past I used to think our SoA was a biker savant... that is.. she ALWAYS knew when I missed a gear, dorked around on the throttle, coasted, rolled on, rode too fast etc... I used to think she had eyes in the back of her head... but ... NOW I know she could just HEAR everything I was doing... roll on... yup... there goes my bike... roll off... gee quieter... squeal your tires... MJ went into the turn too hot... grind em... MJ missed a gear.. oh yea... you can hear EVERYTHING! who knew! It was like a new day for me!
How fun it is to roll in to a biker town - two women on their own bikes... you get that snarl... like oh yea I ride my own... ok it's really more like a smile... and we saw a number of women on their own and they all have that grin. That... Oh Yea I ride my OWN... and I see you do too! Kindred Spirits of a sort.
I have never really walked around Galena... so we wandered around... shopped some... learned about a women's weekend Sept 10-12th which could be fun to do. We tried to contact the Secretary to write that down... but met with a titch of hostility... we will need to deal with that the next meeting!!! Some Bling was purchased, along with aroma therapy oils... lunch at the Furies Way Western Club House.. Durty Gurty's where we had some awesome sweet potato fries. Don't worry Caryl is NOT converting me to that crazy non-meat eating cult.
We did see this and liked it: Sisterhood: A Celebration of kinship and caring. Understanding and evolving with each other, but always with feeling and deep regard... there has to be some words in that we like!!!
All too soon we realized we were all so far away!!
Caryl, led the way out of Galena and on to the Stage Coach Trail... NOW this is a ROAD!!! First we did some sweeps upward out of Galena then we started some twisties down... then roller coaster sections big ups and downs, more twisties, and POOF - we were on the main road... CRAP... let's do that AGAIN! The SoA THEN pulled us over... uh oh... she made that point to the right soft shoulder and we pulled over... I ran through my mind... what could I have POSSIBLY done wrong... I mean sure I took a turn hot or two... and yea... I lagged about a half mile and then BLASTED to catch up... and sure...I was hugging the inside line, then the middle line and then tried to stay off the yellow line... maybe I cut a corner where no one was a bit sharp... Caryl dismounted and started towards me... I was BUSTED... I just gave her the biggest puppy dog look and said... I wasn't doing anything wrong! Caryl looked at me, squinted and said... Uh... I wanted to see if your GPS knew where we were... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ... sorry... just used to when the SoA pulls us over... someone's in trouble... I was so thankful I didnt have my helmet on...because I was soooo going to get a crack to the head on that one... RELIEVED... we headed off.
We gassed up and my helmet wasnt left at the restaurant.. . out of the tour pak it came ... so I had this moment .. seems my bike gets quieter after its been ridden all day! With this newly found bit of info - I pulled next to Caryl and said... Gee my bike is so much quieter after it gets going... Caryl turned... looked at me... and said ... MJ... you have your helmet on... your bike is still LOUD!.... Oh... huh... so much for that!
We hit it and took off towards home - I rolled in around 9ish... hot, tired and wondering just where I would be taking the Furies on Sunday!
Furies MC
No Pago Til 3